
Crop Management

Crop management:Sorghur

1.1. Weeding

Sorghum crop has to be weeded as deemed necessary  but at least it has to be carried out twice, 1 month after seedlings came out and before earthing up. Figure 5 shows weeded sorghum seedlings

1.2.  Fertilization

In addition to applied manure and fertilisrs before sowing, 1kg of Urea per Are has to be applied during earthing up cultural practice.

1.3. Thinning

When the sorghum crop is sown continuously, weak plants have to be removed and remain with vigorous plants at the same spacing of 0.20 m between plants. Thinning has to be carried out for the first time when sorghum plants have like 0.10 m length and for the second time when they have around 0.20m length.

1.3. Earthing up

Earthing up has to be carried out between 1 month and 2 months related to maturity period of the concerned variety. The following figure show the sorghum crop after earthing up.