Tree tomato


Varieties of tree tomatoes

1. Introduction          

Tamarillo or tree tomato is a small semi - woody shrub which has been grown effectively all over the tropics. Originated from the forests of the Andes of Peru and Argentina, C. betacea can grow up to 2-3 m of height, and sometimes up to 5 m.

Among its genus, it is the only self - compatible species. Even though wind and insects can be involved in transport of pollen, flowers of tamarillo are self- pollinating. Flowering can be induced by pruning and the maximum production of fruits can last 4-5 years for 5 months each year (Orwa et al., 2009). The fruits of C. betacea are rich in vitamin A, B1, B6, C, and E.

The field in which to grow Tomato tree should have free draining soil and be able to supply water when needed. Water logging, even for a short time, is detrimental to plant growth. Optimum pH for growth is about 6.


  • Red
    Great to eat raw, cooked or for decorating other food for your table, reds have deep red skin and dark red pigmentation around the seeds.  They look striking when sliced or cut in half.

A great source of anti-oxidants and full of natural vitamins and minerals, red tamarillos deliver the full exotic flavour of the traditional fruit and make a great drink, snack, main course or desert.


  • Amber

Ambers are the sweetest of the three varieties.  They are smaller in size and they have a milder, sweeter flavour.  The skin is golden with a red blush making an attractive colour combination on your table.

Golds are slightly sweeter than the reds but not as sweet as the amber.  They are a fantastic choice for when looking for versatility and difference to your menu as an ingredient or a condiment.

Large and fleshy they make a great ingredient for many recipes.